drupa 2024 surpassed all expectations for Ricoh

drupa 2024 surpassed all expectations for Ricoh

Multiple orders taken, high volume of interest expressed, many successful meetings held, and fruitful partnerships strengthened during the 11 day show  

London, June 25, 2024 – drupa 2024 surpassed all expectations for Ricoh with more than 100 orders agreed across all inkjet, toner, software, and industrial printhead technologies.

A group of people standing under Ricoh arch
Ricoh’s presence at drupa 2024 surpassed expectations with significant deals agreed across all technologies

Unsurprisingly interest in Ricoh’s groundbreaking inkjet systems was high with visitors keen to see how the RICOH Pro™ VC80000 high speed web fed press, the Harpy Eagle, and the RICOH Pro™ Z75 B2 sheetfed aqueous inkjet press, the Dragon, could make their print fly.

Print mass customisation leader Cimpress chose to invest in a Pro VC80000 to broaden application expertise and streamline production while Sattler Media Group GmbH in Germany confirmed its commitment to inkjet technology Co-innovation with Ricoh following highly successful beta testing of the same system. And Saudi Arabian dealer ''SAMIR Group'' ordered a Pro Z75 for Efad Group/Fekrah Press.     

Ricoh’s webfed inkjet platforms also received further acknowledgement for their innovative production capabilities in the form of the number one market share position for high speed continuous feed inkjet systems globally for 2023 in the IDC Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker (Calendar 2023).

While interest in inkjet was to be expected, Ricoh was delighted by the excitement surrounding its toner-based presses – the Jaguars. The RICOH Pro™ C9500, RICOH Pro™ C7500 and RICOH Pro™ C5300 attracted big crowds and ultimately a high volume of deals with hundreds of units ordered by a diverse range of buyers from EMEA and around the world.

Koji Miyao, President, Ricoh Graphic Communications & Senior Corporate Officer, Ricoh, says: “Ricoh’s participation was extremely successful. It was very exciting and rewarding to see so many orders signed for our groundbreaking inkjet, toner-based, software, and industrial printhead technologies. We look forward to supporting those new and existing clients in making a great return on their Ricoh investments. It was also a wonderful honour and privilege to connect with so many valued clients and partners throughout the show with whom we enjoyed sharing our powerful sustainability and Co-innovation stories.“

| Ricoh |

Ricoh tukee digitaalisia työpaikkoja innovatiivisilla teknologioilla ja palveluilla, joiden avulla ihmiset voivat työskennellä älykkäämmin missä tahansa.

Ricoh on 85-vuotisen historiansa aikana kasvattamansa tietämyksen ja organisaatiokyvykkyytensä ansiosta johtava digitaalisten palvelujen ja tiedonhallinnan sekä tulostus- ja kuvantamisratkaisujen toimittaja, joka on suunniteltu tukemaan digitaalista muutosta ja optimoimaan liiketoiminnan suorituskykyä.

Ricoh Groupin pääkonttori sijaitsee Tokiossa, ja sillä on merkittäviä toimintoja ympäri maailmaa, ja sen tuotteet ja palvelut tavoittavat asiakkaita noin 200 maassa ja alueella. Maaliskuussa 2022 päättyneellä tilikaudella Ricoh Groupin maailmanlaajuinen myynti oli 1 758 miljardia jeniä (noin 14,5 miljardia Yhdysvaltain dollaria).

Lisätietoja osoitteessa www.ricoh-europe.com ja www.ricoh.fi

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