
Ricoh ranked top computers and peripherals manufacturing company and 51st among the 2025 Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations

London, January 23, 2025 –Ricoh announced today that it has been recognised as one of the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations, securing the 51st position. This marks the 13th selection for Ricoh, which was selected for ten consecutive years from 2005 to 2014 and three successive years since 2023. Ricoh was ranked at the top of the computers and peripherals manufacturing peer group. 

Ricoh ranked 51st among 2025 Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations

The Global 100 is an annual ranking of the world’s most sustainable corporations published by Canada-based Corporate Knights. The assessment is executed across 25 key indicators that cover resource management, employee management, financial management, sustainable revenue and sustainable investment, and supplier performance. The assessment results are announced yearly during the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Some 8,359 publicly traded companies with revenues of more than US$1 billion were evaluated for the 21st annual ranking, the 2025 Global 100. 

Mikako Suzuki, Corporate Officer in charge of ESG and Risk Management at Ricoh Company, Ltd., says: “This recognition is a testament to Ricoh’s continuous and accelerated commitment to sustainability that stems from our strategic policy to align ESG with business growth. We are honoured to be recognised again, and we believe our sales expansion of sustainable products and services and long-standing commitment to advocacy activities in the field of climate change led to this selection. Ricoh is excited to continue our contribution in solving social issues and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals through its business activities.” 

Ricoh’s approach to sustainability is to pursue a sustainable society through a Three Ps Balance—Prosperity (economic), People (society), and Planet (environment). To realise this desired society, Ricoh has identified seven material issues in two areas, “Resolving social issues through business” and “Robust management infrastructure,” and set 16 ESG targets in linkage with the material to work toward solving these issues. In 2020, ESG initiatives were positioned as future financial targets, one of the dual companywide management targets and regular financial goals. Since then, ESG indicators have been incorporated into Ricoh’s executive compensation.

| Ricoh |

Ricoh tukee digitaalisia työpaikkoja innovatiivisilla teknologioilla ja palveluilla, joiden avulla ihmiset voivat työskennellä älykkäämmin missä tahansa.

Ricoh on 85-vuotisen historiansa aikana kasvattamansa tietämyksen ja organisaatiokyvykkyytensä ansiosta johtava digitaalisten palvelujen ja tiedonhallinnan sekä tulostus- ja kuvantamisratkaisujen toimittaja, joka on suunniteltu tukemaan digitaalista muutosta ja optimoimaan liiketoiminnan suorituskykyä.

Ricoh Groupin pääkonttori sijaitsee Tokiossa, ja sillä on merkittäviä toimintoja ympäri maailmaa, ja sen tuotteet ja palvelut tavoittavat asiakkaita noin 200 maassa ja alueella. Maaliskuussa 2022 päättyneellä tilikaudella Ricoh Groupin maailmanlaajuinen myynti oli 1 758 miljardia jeniä (noin 14,5 miljardia Yhdysvaltain dollaria).

Lisätietoja osoitteessa www.ricoh-europe.com ja www.ricoh.fi

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