Ricoh ranked number one for market share in high speed continuous feed inkjet globally

Ricoh ranked number one for market share in high speed continuous feed inkjet globally

London, May 31, 2024 – Ricoh today announced it has captured the number one market share position for high speed continuous feed inkjet systems globally for 2023 in the IDC Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker (Calendar 2023). 

RICOH Pro™ VC80000

“Ricoh's inkjet technology is based on more than 50 years of continuous research and innovation,” said Gavin Jordan-Smith, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Head of Global Sales Strategy Division & RICOH Graphic Communications North America Sales, RICOH Graphic Communications. “We continue to invest in developing comprehensive turnkey solutions that comprise our industry leading inkjet technology, software and services, enabling our customers to seamlessly bridge the gap from offset to digital.

The inkjet market has grown rapidly in recent years and is estimated to reach $125.9 billion by 2029, as more companies seek to address a shortage of qualified labour, rising material costs, shorter run lengths and a greater focus on sustainability. 

Named  “Company to Watch Out For” at this year’s Inkjet Summit, Ricoh recently launched its flagship RICOH Pro™ VC80000, offering significant advances in print speed, quality control, and colour management, as well as increased production, and AI-driven analytics, automation, and predictive maintenance. The Pro VC80000, and Ricoh’s expanded portfolio of inkjet printers, is on display at drupa, along with its latest innovations in software, services, and sustainability. 

1, “The Future of Inkjet Printing to 2029,” Smithers, February 29, 2024.

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