Ricoh named a Leader in IDC MarketScape for Worldwide Sustainability Programs and Services

Ricoh named a Leader in IDC MarketScape for Worldwide Sustainability Programs and Services

LONDON, January 9, 2024 – Ricoh today announced it has been named a Leader in the IDC MarketScape for Worldwide Sustainability Programs and Services Hardcopy 2023 Vendor Assessment (doc # US49892223, Dec 2023). This IDC study assesses sustainability programs and services among global hardcopy vendors and identifies their strengths and challenges.

The IDC MarketScape notes Ricoh’s long-standing commitment to environmental sustainability – a priority rooted in Ricoh’s Founding Principles established in 1946 by its founder Kiyoshi Ichimura – as a key differentiator determining its Leader position, stating: “Ricoh acknowledged a corporate responsibility to minimise impact on the environment decades ago. In 1976, Ricoh established a company Environmental Promotion Section, and the company remains focused on driving sustainability through its business and operations, while developing innovative technologies to help customers reduce carbon footprint and lessen environmental impact.”

IDC evaluated Ricoh across its business operations, products and business model, business services, corporate strategies, and governance/risk/compliance measures in the context of sustainability with strengths identified in Reducing Emissions, Sustainability Across the Portfolio, Reuse and Recycling, and Managed Print & Automation Services. 

"Throughout our assessment, Ricoh consistently demonstrated a deep-seated commitment to environmental stewardship, evident in its extensive history of prioritising sustainability across its operations,” said Robert Palmer, Research Vice President, Imaging, Printing, and Document Solutions at IDC. “characterised by an alignment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and a pledge to achieve 100% renewable energy usage by 2050, Ricoh’s actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote reuse and recycling among customers, and integrate environmental conservation seamlessly into every facet of its business is notably admirable."

Building on its rich legacy, Ricoh believes its digital services have played a pivotal role in achieving this recognition as a Leader in sustainability. As hybrid and remote workstyles redefine the corporate landscape, Ricoh continues to invest in managed print services as well as digital services and solutions that the company believes support sustainability for businesses. The IDC MarketScape notes: “Ricoh’s Managed Print & Automation Services help businesses to optimise print infrastructure to improve efficiency, reduce cost, enhance security, and drive sustainability.” The MarketScape also highlights that “every product it builds or service offering [Ricoh] delivers has features or capabilities supporting sustainable business practices.” Further, the report states: “Ricoh should also be on the short list of vendors when looking for a partner to better enable a hybrid working model. Ricoh has the tools and expertise to help facilitate collaboration, creativity, and productivity for flexible working environments, which can help companies reduce environmental impact.”

“More than 45 years ago, we recognised the importance of preserving Earth’s natural self-recovery capabilities and made a commitment to put the sustainability of our environment at the heart of every business decision of the entire Ricoh Group,” said Mikako Suzuki, Corporate Officer in charge of ESG and Risk Management, Ricoh Company, Ltd. “As a global corporate citizen, we believe the actions we’re taking within a circular economy to create harmony between business and the environment are leading us towards the fulfilment of a truly sustainable and zero-carbon society. We value our Leader position in this IDC MarketScape as acknowledgement of our efforts.”

Ricoh believes the pursuit of success should not come at the expense of the environment, and partners closely with customers and suppliers to align its management activities with sustainable business practices. Examples include group wide Green Procurement Standards to ensure the responsible sourcing of raw materials and components with minimal environmental impact, and operating takeback programs that allow for sound recycling of imaging equipment, parts, and consumables.

Related Information

Ricoh's Sustainability 

| About IDC MarketScape |

IDC MarketScape vendor assessment model is designed to provide an overview of the competitive fitness of ICT (information and communications technology) suppliers in a given market. The research methodology utilises a rigorous scoring methodology based on both qualitative and quantitative criteria that results in a single graphical illustration of each vendor’s position within a given market. IDC MarketScape provides a clear framework in which the product and service offerings, capabilities and strategies, and current and future market success factors of IT and telecommunications vendors can be meaningfully compared. The framework also provides technology buyers with a 360-degree assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and prospective vendors.

| Ricoh |

Ricoh tukee digitaalisia työpaikkoja innovatiivisilla teknologioilla ja palveluilla, joiden avulla ihmiset voivat työskennellä älykkäämmin missä tahansa.

Ricoh on 85-vuotisen historiansa aikana kasvattamansa tietämyksen ja organisaatiokyvykkyytensä ansiosta johtava digitaalisten palvelujen ja tiedonhallinnan sekä tulostus- ja kuvantamisratkaisujen toimittaja, joka on suunniteltu tukemaan digitaalista muutosta ja optimoimaan liiketoiminnan suorituskykyä.

Ricoh Groupin pääkonttori sijaitsee Tokiossa, ja sillä on merkittäviä toimintoja ympäri maailmaa, ja sen tuotteet ja palvelut tavoittavat asiakkaita noin 200 maassa ja alueella. Maaliskuussa 2022 päättyneellä tilikaudella Ricoh Groupin maailmanlaajuinen myynti oli 1 758 miljardia jeniä (noin 14,5 miljardia Yhdysvaltain dollaria).

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