Ricoh selected as a member of the Sustainability Yearbook 2024 by S&P Global
Positioned in the top 1% in the Computers & Peripherals and Office Electronics industry
Ricoh today announced it has been selected as a member of the Sustainability Yearbook 2024, with a score within the top 1%* in its industry, by S&P Global, an American company and one of the world's leaders in corporate ratings.

Each year, S&P Global assesses major companies' sustainability in the three areas of Economic, Environment, and Society. Companies with outstanding sustainability efforts in each industry group are selected and awarded as members of the Sustainability Yearbook. S&P Global evaluated over 9,400 companies in 62 industries worldwide this year, and 759 companies were selected for this year’s Yearbook.
In the Computers & Peripherals and Office Electronics industry, two companies including Ricoh were in the top 1% and five others in the top 5%. This marks the sixth consecutive year, since 2019, that Ricoh has been selected as a member of the Sustainability Yearbook.
Ricoh's approach to sustainability is to pursue a sustainable society through a Three Ps Balance—Prosperity (economic), People (society), and Planet (environment). To realise this desired society, Ricoh has identified seven material issues in two areas, “Resolving social issues through business” and “Robust management infrastructure,” and set 16 ESG targets in linkage with the material to work toward solving these issues. Under the policy to align ESG with business growth, Ricoh will continue to enhance sustainability efforts.
*As of February 7, 2024
Related Links
Ricoh Group's seven material issues and SDGs
Ricoh Group's commitment and recognition
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Ricoh on 85-vuotisen historiansa aikana kasvattamansa tietämyksen ja organisaatiokyvykkyytensä ansiosta johtava digitaalisten palvelujen ja tiedonhallinnan sekä tulostus- ja kuvantamisratkaisujen toimittaja, joka on suunniteltu tukemaan digitaalista muutosta ja optimoimaan liiketoiminnan suorituskykyä.
Ricoh Groupin pääkonttori sijaitsee Tokiossa, ja sillä on merkittäviä toimintoja ympäri maailmaa, ja sen tuotteet ja palvelut tavoittavat asiakkaita noin 200 maassa ja alueella. Maaliskuussa 2022 päättyneellä tilikaudella Ricoh Groupin maailmanlaajuinen myynti oli 1 758 miljardia jeniä (noin 14,5 miljardia Yhdysvaltain dollaria).
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